Judy Nusinowitz
Laurence Harris
J. David Kopel
Your satisfaction and happiness is something that is very important to us. We understand how hectic it is to sell a house and it can be difficult if it’s not handled properly. To help you through the entire process, we’ve put together four simple steps:
Step 1: Decide to Sell
When you sell, you want to get as much money as you can for your home. With our tailor made marketing plan, designed for your specific needs and wishes, we will go to work to put your home on the market for sale.
You can also increase the value by enhancing the appeal of your house. There are various ways to do this. You can renovate your house by remodelling an area or just freshen up the walls with a new coat of paint. De-cluttering also enhances the appeal both inside and outside.
Curb appeal is important. In summer buyers love seeing green grass and flowers. In winter a clean shovelled walkway is a must. Make sure all outside light are operational.
Home inspections are also something that you can do to improve the value of your home. Buyers usually ask if there is a home inspection available, so we do it ahead of time. It also gives you a chance to avoid unpleasant surprises and make any repairs necessary. It can also reduce the number of conditions in an offer from the buyer. We provide a Home Inspection with a written report from a professional home Inspector as part of our Full Service package, (no charge to you).
Now you’re ready for our for sale sign!
Step 2: List your Home
Now we are ready to do the paperwork necessary to list your home. We will develop a market analysis to properly value your home based on the prices in your area of comparable homes and current market conditions.
Once we have done that we will market your home through Multiple Listing Service (MLS), social media, and our websites. We will produce a full colour brochure of your home with pictures and description of the property. This is available for all buyers who view your home.
Step 3: Receive an Offer
Not all offers are equal and that’s where we come in. We will negotiate the offer(s) from all aspects: the price, all conditions, inclusions, exclusions and closing date.
If there is something in the offer that you don't agree with, a counter offer with all necessary changes can be submitted to the buyer. We are with you every step of the way.
Step 4: Close the Sale
Prior to closing your deal, you will meet with your lawyer to go over the paperwork and sign papers. There will be closing costs associated with the sale that need to be paid on the closing date. They can include mortgage discharges and legal fees plus your moving costs and real estate commission. Your lawyer will take care of all payments and issue you a certified cheque for the sale of your house.
Home Evaluation
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